(Endoparazitózy šíriace sa komunálnou odpadovou vodou)
Endoparasitoses spread by municipal waste watter
Author(s): Peter Juriš, Adriána Dudlová, Pavol Jarčuška, Lýdia ČislákováSubject(s): Social Sciences, Health and medicine and law, Human Ecology
Published by: SAMOSATO, s. r. o., Bratislava, Slovensko - MAUREA, s. r. o., Plzeň, Česká republika
Keywords: oo(cysts) of protozoa; helminth eggs; municipal waste water; sevage sludge; epidemiology of endoparasitic germs;
Summary/Abstract: Introduction: Municipal waste water prior to stabilizing treatment and disinfection contains various types of pathogenic microorganisms, including parasites. The handling of waste water and sludge, using them without prior treatment, is threatened public health. Methods: The samples of municipal wastewater and sludge were collected from five wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). For comparison, we also monitored the WWTP Sečovce in another region. For the detection of the oo(cysts) and eggs the saturated solution of saccharose, with specific weight of 1.30 according Kazacos (1983) was used. For detection of protozoal oo(cysts) an additional ovoskopic concentration set Paraprep L - Faecal Parasite Concentrator (Diamondial, France) with subsequent microscopy analysis was accomplished. For the statistical processing of the results the Chi square test - χ2 test (significance level α=0.05) the SPSS version 20 of statistical program was employed. Results: Examination of municipal wastewater and sludge from five monitored wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in east Slovakia, from various fractions of municipal wastewater, confirmed 35.87% positivity of samples for the endoparasitic germs. Among of all analysed samples 11.09% were protozoan oo(cysts) and 20.87% were helminth eggs. 3.91 % of samples showed positivity to both the helminth eggs and protozoan oo(cysts). In the raw wastewater the protozoa consisted of Giardia spp. (1.08 %) and Entamoeba spp. (1.08 %). The helminth eggs primarily consisted of Ascarisspp. (4.35 %) and eggs of strongyloid type (3.26 %). No germs of protozoa or helminths were found in the treated wastewater. However, the highest presence of the germs was found in drained stabilised sludge. The average number of oo(cysts)/kg was 2.86±0.24 and the average number of helminth eggs/kg was 5.77±0.09. In all kinds of sludge, obtained during the process of wastewater treatment, there were protozoan (Giardia spp., Cryptosporidium spp., Entamoeba spp.) and helminths eggs (Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris spp., Taenia spp., Hymenolepis spp., or eggs of strongyloid type) presented. In drained (condensed) stabilised sludge the eggs of Capillaria spp. and Toxocara spp. were also detected. Conclusion: From the epidemiological aspect the sewage sludge, due to high concentration of protozoal oo(cysts) or helminth eggs, represents a significant epidemiological risk for the endoparasitoses dissemination.
Journal: Zdravotníctvo a sociálna práca
- Issue Year: 12/2017
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 4-14
- Page Count: 11
- Language: English