Psychopedagogy of Learning and Behaviour, or about Connections between Behaviourism and Educational Transactional Analysis (Part 2) Cover Image

Psychopedagogika uczenia się i zachowania, czyli o związkach behawioryzmu z edukacyjną analizą transakcyjną (cz. 2)
Psychopedagogy of Learning and Behaviour, or about Connections between Behaviourism and Educational Transactional Analysis (Part 2)

Author(s): Jarosław Jagieła
Subject(s): Education, Psychology
Published by: Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Keywords: behaviour; learnedly; behaviourism; neobehaviourism; behavioural pedagogy; behavioural therapy; criticism of behaviourism; behavioural transactional analysis; educational transactional analysis

Summary/Abstract: Since its emergence, classical behaviourism as a psychological concept has not only undergonesignificant changes but it has also been applied in numerous areas of science and practice (economy,political science, computer games, etc.). One of such areas is education in which it has become,among others, a theory and practice of teaching, a concept of didactic programming and abasis for developing educational programmes; it has also been used in therapy of autistic childrenand as a strategy for resocialization activities. Behavioural psychotherapy is mainly a therapy ofbehaviour, with a set of its own therapeutic methods and techniques. One of the areas in which behaviourismcan be used is transactional analysis in its educational perspective, to which behaviourismstill has a lot to offer.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 6
  • Page Range: 277-311
  • Page Count: 35
  • Language: Polish
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