Teacher’s Actions and Reactions to Aggressive Behaviours 
of Children at Pre-school Age Cover Image

Działania i reakcje nauczyciela na zachowania agresywne dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
Teacher’s Actions and Reactions to Aggressive Behaviours of Children at Pre-school Age

Author(s): Bożena Marzec, Katarzyna Wójcik
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Keywords: aggression; kindergarten; teacher; prevention; reaction; preschool child

Summary/Abstract: Aggression is a phenomenon which accompanies humans throughout their lives. It takes a specificform and plays a special role during the pre-school stage. On the one hand, aggression is theresult of children’s lack of ability to cope with a problem, on the other hand, it creates a possibilityto diagnose and support emotional and social development. The aim of the article is to present theoreticaland empirical analysis of the phenomenon of aggression, as well as ways of preventingand eliminating aggressive behaviour of preschoolers.The first part introduces a theoretical background of the problem, methods and results are presentedin the second part of the article. A document analysis, desk research and logical analysis are themain research methods. Results of external evaluation of kindergartens have been examined. The articleattempts to answer two following research questions: How do kindergarten teachers prevent aggressionamong children? What are teachers’ reactions to children’s aggressive behaviour?The results of the research show that most actions that are undertaken to prevent aggression involvereinforcement of, positive behaviour. What is more teachers have problems with reacting tochildren’s aggression. The results may contribute to improving teacher training in order to raiseteachers’ self-confidence and skills in that field.Aggressive behaviour of preschoolers is an important scientific and educational issue.A knowledgeable reaction and skilful counteraction may be decisive for a child’s emotional andsocial development.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 6
  • Page Range: 255-266
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Polish
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