the British Model of Intelligence Organisation: Intelligence Institutions and the Control of their Activities Cover Image

Britanski model obavještajnog organiziranja: obavještajne institucije i nadzor njihovih aktivnosti
the British Model of Intelligence Organisation: Intelligence Institutions and the Control of their Activities

Author(s): Mirko Bilandžić
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu

Summary/Abstract: By means of a comparative analysis of the available data, we can divide intelligence organizations into three groups of models, provisionally called American, British, and (the former) Soviet. These models have at the same time served as a basis for building intelligence systems in other states. Unlike the other two systems, the so-called British model of intelligence organization includes the central organization that coordinates the operation of all the others. The British intelligence system is made up of independent services located within different ministries, whose activities are coordinated by the cabinet or its working bodies. ********************************* Usporednom analizom dostupnih podataka možemo uočiti da u svijetu postoje tri grupe modela obavještajnog organiziranja, uvjetno nazvanih američki, britanski i bivšeg SSSR-a. Ti modeli ujedno su poslužili kao podloga za izgradnju obavještajnih sustava u drugim državama. U tzv. britanskom modelu obavještajnog organiziranja, za razliku od ostala dva, ne postoji središnja agencija koja koordinira rad svih ostalih. Britanski obavještajni sustav čine neovisne službe locirane unutar različitih ministarstava, čiji rad koordinira Kabinet premijera, odnosno njegova radna tijela.

  • Issue Year: XXXVII/2000
  • Issue No: 03
  • Page Range: 136-159
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: Croatian
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