Дневничке забиљешке и фото документација
Џ.А.Р. Мунроа о археолошким истраживањима
Доклеје (Монтенегро ) 1893. године
Journal Entries and Photographic Documentation
of J. A. R. Munro Related to the Archaeological
Exploration of Doclea (Montenegro ) in 1893
Author(s): Tatjana KoprivicaSubject(s): Cultural history
Published by: Историјски институт Црне Горe
Keywords: Doclea, Montenegro, J.A.R. Munro, Diary, photography, basilica, cruciform church
Summary/Abstract: In 1893, in the eastern area of Doclea, J. A. R. Munro and his associates W. C. F. Anderon and J. G. Milne discovered the Christian complex with the remains of the Basilica A, Basilica B and the cruciform church. The report on the said explorations was published in 1896, without supporting documents. The documentation concerned, together with Munro’s diary notes, has been kept with the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archeology, University of Oxford. The present paper studies the importance of the documentation that complements the knowledge about the Christian buildings of the Late Antique Doclea. Its value is even higher taking into account that the site has been undergoing devastations for 120 years since the said explorations. During explorations in 1893, the location of the three-nave Basilica A, and, in its eastern part, the apse semicircular in the interior and hexagonal on the exterior, were identified. To the south and to the north of the apse, chambers with doors leading to the lateral naves were discovered. Columns divided the main nave into lateral naves. In the eastern part of the Basilica, a large number of stone decorations fragments dated to Pre-Justinian period were found. The Basilica’s floor was decorated by mosaic, best preserved in the southern nave. According to Munro’s diary notes, in the apse part of the Basilica A three layers can be identified, i.e. the oldest one without mosaic and with the elevation matching with that of the column base in the south, then the elevated apse floor and its surrounding space with preserved mosaic decoration, and finally the latest layer dating back to the time when the synthronon and the Bishop Throne were built in. The diary notes do not give clear explanation of the relations between this stage and the other parts of the basilica. To the south of Basilica A, the cruciform church and, under it, the earlier three-nave Basilica B - the foundation of which was identified during the revision explorations in 1954 - had been found. It was dated back to the 5th – 6th century. In the explorations of 1893, among architectural decoration fragments, a pillar with visible votive inscription telling about Deaconess Ausonia was found as well. In his Diary, Munro recorded also three graves found there. The revision explorations of 1954 discovered four additional graves in the Basilica B and in the cruciform church spaces respectively, and they were dated back to the “earlier” period, i.e. to the time of the construction of that cruciform church. Basilica A and Basilica B and the cruciform church were connected by the passage, and the atrium stood between the two buildings. Дневничке забиљешке и фото документација Џ.А.Р. ... 89 Despite it is clear the buildings in the eastern part of Doclea originate from Early Christian architecture time, precise chronological baselines for both individual buildings and the whole this Christian complex require a systematic archaeologica
Journal: Историјски записи
- Issue Year: 2014
- Issue No: 1-2
- Page Range: 67-91
- Page Count: 23
- Language: Serbian
- Content File-PDF