The Concept of political Culture Cover Image

Pojam političke Kulture
The Concept of political Culture

Author(s): Vladimir Vujčić
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu

Summary/Abstract: The essay describes the evolution of the concept of political culture, from the concepts such as Comte’s ’consensus’, Durkheim’s ’collective awareness’, Weber’s ’significance of individual actions’, to Parson’s ’action frame of reference’, and Mead’s ’national character’. The development began with Comte’s search for differentia specifica of social sciences in relation to other positive sciences and finished in 1963 with the introduction of the concept of political culture into political science by G. Almond and S. Verba. Our analysis has shown that many definitions of political culture point out that its essence lies in people’s beliefs since political culture is a set of beliefs regarding politics. As much as it may seem a paradox, it cannot be reduced to mere individual beliefs, but represents a system of inter-subjective opinions on various political objects. This explains the possible discrepancies between the political events and the political beliefs of the people, between their behaviour and political culture, and so on. Contrary to the belief of some authors, it has been shown how political culture may and should be taken as a common denominator for a variety of opinions on politics. Political attitudes, values, norms, public opinion and political ideologies are nothing but different manifestations of political culture. Thus, the concept of political culture includes diverse facets of the subjective attitude of people towards politics. This is the asset and not the downside of this concept, as some authors would have it. It is pointed out that the manifold manifestations of political culture do not carry the same ’weight’ in explaining the political activism of people and the functioning of political systems. The relationship between these manifestations is extremely complex and a challenge for research. It is this very relationship that could explain the stable and less stable (i.e. stable and vacillating) reactions of people in their political activity.

  • Issue Year: XXXIV/1997
  • Issue No: 04
  • Page Range: 109-128
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Croatian
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