Nieustające powroty. O literackim i artystycznym odkrywaniu Mallarmégo
Continual Returns. On Literary and Artistic Discovering of Mallarmé
Author(s): Anna Opiela-MrozikSubject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Studies of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Mallarmé; Verlaine; Huysmans; Surrealism Manifesto; André Breton
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses selected literary and artistic discoveries of Mallarmé’s aestheticsfrom the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century. Mallarmé, whom Verlaineincluded in the circle of “poètes maudit” and who was considered a master of decadencethanks to Huysmans’s novel Against Nature, was announced a surrealist in SurrealismManifesto by André Breton and his name appeared in the writing of Valéry and other20th-century poets and writers. The Cubists were delighted with “spatialization” of poetry inA Roll of the Dice. In addition, constant discovering of the poet by the composers – fromDebussy and Ravel, through Boulez, to the contemporary artists such as Marc-AndréDalbavie or Jean-Luc Hervé cannot be overlooked.
Journal: Przegląd Humanistyczny
- Issue Year: 459/2017
- Issue No: 04
- Page Range: 163-171
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Polish