Tshinecs cultural circle as a link between the Baltic and Black Sea Regions in the Late Bronze Age (2nd millennium BCE) Cover Image

Тшинецкий культурный круг — связующее звено между Балтийским и Черноморским регионами в эпоху поздней бронзы (2 тыс. до н.э.)
Tshinecs cultural circle as a link between the Baltic and Black Sea Regions in the Late Bronze Age (2nd millennium BCE)

Author(s): Sergey D. Lysenko
Subject(s): History
Published by: Нижневартовский государственный университет
Keywords: Tshinets cultural circle; ceramic; funeral rite; intercultural connections

Summary/Abstract: Tshinetsky cultural circle (TCC) is a group of related archaeological cultures of the Late Bronze Age in forest and steppe zones of Eastern Europe. It embraces the territory from the Oder River basin in the west to the Desna basin in the east, from the Baltic in the north to the border of the right-bank forest-steppe and steppe in the south. TCC area is divided into Western (Baltic Sea Basin) and the Eastern (Black Sea basin) arrays. To the west array belongs Tshinets culture, to the east — Komarov (in the forest) and Sosnitsa (in Polesie) cultures. The only category of culturally significant artifacts for the entire TCC area is a ceramic complex, especially tulip vessels with S-shaped profile and bowls. The origins of morphology of the vessels with S-shaped profile are traced in the archaeological cultures of the Middle Bronze Age of South Baltic (Riesenbecher type vessels). Throughout the entire development the TCC was influenced by the cultural formatuions of the steppe zone of Eastern Europe. The penetration Tshinets-Komorov pottery and metallic adornments in area of steppe cultures of the Northwest Black Sea littoral is traced.

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