О памятниках киммерийцев и «раннескифской» культуре
On the Question of Cimmerian Sites and “Early Scythian” Culture
Author(s): Denis S. GrechkoSubject(s): History, Archaeology, Ancient World
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: Circumpontic Area; Early Iron Age; Cimmerians; Early Scythian Culture; periodization; chronology;
Summary/Abstract: The study is based on the assumption that “early Scythian” burials of Trans-Kuban and Ciscaucasia started actively functioning in approximately 640—639 BC. This event was connected with the Cimmerians’ leaving Asia Minor after the death of Dugdamme (Ligdamis). The offered chronology of the “early Scythian” culture (end of 8th — mid. 6th c. BC) does not contradict either ancient written records or archaeological evidences. The division of the “early Scythian” culture into two large stages: pre-Kelermes (end of 8th — first half of 7th c. BC) and Kelermes (ca. 679 — first half of 6th c. BC) mostly corresponds to the characteristics of the changes in the context of the material culture. It is also proposed to divide Kelermes stage into three phases: 1st (679—630 BC), 2nd (620—580 BC) and 3rd (570—540 BC).
Journal: Stratum plus. Археология и культурная антропология
- Issue Year: 2013
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 133-154
- Page Count: 22
- Language: Russian