Данные палеоантропологии как источник для реконструкции процесса сложения и социальной стратификации общества (по материалам синташтинских и потаповских памятников бронзового века)
Paleoanthropological Data as a Source of Reconstruction of the Process of Social Formation and Social Stratification (based on the Sintashta and Potapovo sites of the Bronze Age)
Author(s): Egor P. Kitov, Alexander A. Khokhlov, Polina S. MedvedevaSubject(s): History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Archaeology, Customs / Folklore, Social history, Ancient World, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: South Urals; Volga-Ural region; Bronze Age; Sintashta culture; Potapovo sites; craniological variants; anthropological components; social status
Summary/Abstract: The paper is devoted to the analysis of craniological materials from the cemeteries of the Bronze Age of the Volga-Ural region (Sintashta and Potapovo assemblages). The characteristic feature of the physical appearance of this population is the combination of different morphological variations with a dominant and the presence of the Uraloid components. At the same time, a group of individuals with a specific, different from other individuals, skull structure is distinguished: maturized, broad-faced men with a set of striking features in the face. Analysis of the funerary rites of these individuals indicates their high social status in the Sintashta-Potapovo society. The addition of such an anthropological complex occurred in the Eneolithic on the territory of modern Kazakhstan as a result of contacts of steppe sharply profiled Europeoid populations and groups of Uraloid origin. This led to the formation of a population, originally of metisic origin, conventionally called “steppe Kazakhstan”, which took part in the process of morphogenesis, and, indirectly, the cultural genesis of Sintashta and Potapovo communities.
Journal: Stratum plus. Археология и культурная антропология
- Issue Year: 2018
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 225-243
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Russian