Новые памятники периода раннего средневековья бассейна Северского Донца
New settlements of the early medieval period of the Severskij Donetz river bazin
Author(s): Andrei M. Oblomskii, Vladimir I. ZavyalovSubject(s): History, Archaeology, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Summary/Abstract: This paper presents materials of three settlements of the early medieval period situated on the territory of the Belgorod region of Russia.The settlement Shishino-5 occupies the dune on the flood-lands of the left bank of the Severskij Donetz river slightly to the north of the city of Belgorod. The medieval materials come from a layer, an economical construction, and 4 pit-cellarz. They are represented with the hand-made pottery of the Kolochin culture, an iron fibula, a bronze hook combined with a belt buckle made of tin (fig.2). Judging by the fibula the settlement existed at least in the second half of the 8th century (Table ) and possibly even later. It is the latest dated site of Kolochin culture on the Dnieper left bank.The settlement Tzepljaevo-2 is situated on the edge of the first terrace over the flood - lands of the left bank of the river Koroch (the right tributary of the Severskij Donetz) in its middle flow. The dwelling-semi-mudhut with an open hearth in the central part of the floor, an open cut out in the clayey natural, and one economical pit date from the early medieval period. The hand-made Slav potteses, vessels of Saltov culture, and amphora fragments come from the objects.The settlement Prioskolskoje-2 is situated on the edge of the low knoll in the flood-lands of the Oskol river right bank (the right tributary of the Severskij Donetz river) in the upper flow of the river. 2 medieval dwellings, remains of 4 forges, 5 economical constructions, 3 hearths situated outside the dwellings, and 26 pit-cellars were discovered on the site. Several constructions (a dwelling, an economical construction, 2 forges, 10 pits and 2 hearths) represent a farmstead enclosed with a fence the traces of which were observed in the form of post hole chains. The hand-made pottery from the medieval objects by their shape and ornamentation pertain to the antiquity of Sahnovka type. The fragments of potter’s Saltav and Volyntsevo flasks were discovered in one of the pits. According to the ceramics complex character the settlement is dated approximately from the middle of the 8 th century.Series of semi-finished product of iron ware (total - 12) come from the forge constructions and nearer the layer. They were subjected to metallographical analysis in the laboratory of natural and scientific methods of the Archaeology Institute Russian Academy of Sciences. The production technology of iron ware of Prioskolskje-2 is typical for Slav of the end of the 1st millennium A.D. It is illustrative that the influence of Saltov traditions of metal-work is not observed on the metal ware made by the Saltov pattern are absent.
Journal: Stratum plus. Археология и культурная антропология
- Issue Year: 2002
- Issue No: 5
- Page Range: 71-90
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Russian