Prehistoric Vestiges on Highiș Peak in Zarandului
Mountains (Municipality of Tîrnova, Arad County) Cover Image

Prehistoric Vestiges on Highiș Peak in Zarandului Mountains (Municipality of Tîrnova, Arad County)
Prehistoric Vestiges on Highiș Peak in Zarandului Mountains (Municipality of Tîrnova, Arad County)

Author(s): Eugen Pădureanu, Alexandru Berzovan
Subject(s): Archaeology
Published by: Editura Mega Print SRL
Keywords: Highiș Peak; Zarandului Mountains; Early Bronze; Șoimuș Cultural Group; prehistoric pottery; precinct

Summary/Abstract: The present article deals with a series of prehistoric discoveries made on the plateau of the HighișPeak in Zarandului Mountains. Field researches performed in 1988 by teacher M. Colar from Bîrsa, in 2009 byEugen Pădureanu and in 2010 by a team led by the late Liviu Măruia have led to the discovery of a small butrelevant lot of prehistoric pottery fragments. A ditch was also noted in the south-eastern area of the plateau.Though at the current state of research the character of habitation there cannot be established, the rescuedarchaeological material can be attributed to the Șoimuș Cultural Group from stage II of the Transylvanian EarlyBronze Age.

  • Issue Year: 30/2016
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 61-68
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: English
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