“Im übrigen freue ich mich unendlich auf die Arbeit im Sudetenland!“ Student practice at the Sudeten German Institute for Research on Provincial Characteristics and Folkways under Dr. Margarete Klante 1942–1944 Cover Image

„Im übrigen freue ich mich unendlich auf die Arbeit im Sudetenland!“ Studentské praxe v Sudetoněmeckém ústavu pro výzkum země a lidu pod vedením dr. Margarete Klanteové 1942–1944
“Im übrigen freue ich mich unendlich auf die Arbeit im Sudetenland!“ Student practice at the Sudeten German Institute for Research on Provincial Characteristics and Folkways under Dr. Margarete Klante 1942–1944

Author(s): Milena Josefovičová
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Customs / Folklore, Higher Education , WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Fascism, Nazism and WW II
Published by: AV ČR - Akademie věd České republiky - Masarykův ústav
Keywords: Students; students; war; deployment; scholarly work;

Summary/Abstract: This study deals with the involvement of female students in economic, historical and ‚‘racial‘‘ scholarly tasks at the Sudeten German Institute for Research on Provincial Characteristics and Folkways (Sudetendeutsche Anstalt für Landes- und Volksforschung, SALV) in Liberec (Reichenberg, which at that time was in the Reichsgau Sudetenland/Sudetengau) under Dr. Margarete Klante between 1942 and 1944. The students performed their wartime duties (Kriegspfl icht) for the Reich during their holiday deployment (Ferieneinsatz).

  • Issue Year: 8/2016
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 211-224
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Czech
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