Researching the Roots of Mediterranean Bioethics Cover Image

Istraživanje korijena mediteranske bioetike
Researching the Roots of Mediterranean Bioethics

Author(s): Tonči Matulić
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Hrvatsko Filozofsko Društvo
Keywords: the ethics of virtue; the ethics of duty; Mediterranean bioethics; friendship; harmlessness (non-malficience); virtuousness; autonomy

Summary/Abstract: The paper presents the results of the author’s research of the idea and roots of Mediterranean bioethics. Is there such a thing as regional, Mediterranean bioethics at all? If it does exist, we must ask about its theoretical fountainhead. If, furthermore, its theoretical source truly rests on the all-embracing cultural soil of the Mediterranean complex, then the question of its relation to other regional bioethics is not inconsequential. However, the answer to the question of the theoretical roots of Mediterranean bioethics assumes an answer to the question of its practical – i.e. ethical – fountainhead. In other words, which ethics can be and indeed is the very bedrock of Mediterranean bioethics as its decisive raison d’être of regional bioethics? It must, however, be noted that defining bioethics as Mediterranean is not some mere geographical demarcation, but rather implies and involves the vital elements of the historical realisation of a cultural circle that has demonstrated its superlative theoretical and practical efficiencies at the level of creating a distinctive, namely the Western, civilisation. Just as the complex of Western civilisation transcends and exceeds the limits of geographical boundaries with its reflective penetration and practical efficiency, the same can reasonably be expected from regional Mediterranean bioethics, in which the regional determines the conception, the cradle and source of the idea that determines, characterises and conditions the human research of meaning and happiness from a meta-historical perspective. The external, i.e. civilisational, research of the meaning and significance of the roots of Mediterranean bioethics is to be followed by the internal, i.e. philosophical, research of the meaning and significance of its roots. This paper presents some of the results of the author’s research of the source of Mediterranean bioethics and a number of its ideaistic determinations and orientations.

  • Issue Year: 27/2007
  • Issue No: 03/107
  • Page Range: 529-550
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Croatian
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