Analysis of the Rugby Game Result through the Rate of Territorial Dominance and Ball Possession Cover Image

Analysis of the Rugby Game Result through the Rate of Territorial Dominance and Ball Possession
Analysis of the Rugby Game Result through the Rate of Territorial Dominance and Ball Possession

Author(s): Dan Badea
Subject(s): Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: Grounded Theory; qualitative research; social constructivism; interpretive model; data encoding

Summary/Abstract: This research aims to analyse the determination of rugby game results, as a consequence of territorial dominance or ball possession, by the teams participating in the 2015 Rugby World Cup. The objectives of our scientific approach were to record the variables linked to possession and territorial dominance in the rugby games and to process and interpret the results. In this applicative research, 48 matches were analysed, tracking total territorial dominance and sequential territorial dominance in the last 10 minutes of the game, as well as total possession and sequential possession in the last 10 minutes of the game. The research methods used are: scientific documentation, observation, measurement, statistical and mathematical method, graphical method. The results obtained from data processing and interpretation are contradictory. Thus, we have results displayed accordingly, when the team with total and sequential territorial dominance and superior total and sequential possession wins the game, but also when the team with total and sequential territorial dominance and superior total and sequential possession loses the game. We have results when the team with total territorial dominance and superior total possession wins the game, which is normal, but also results when the team with territorial dominance only in the last 10 minutes and superior possession only in the last 10 minutes wins the game. We might consider that these results are not a first, that they represent the exception, but what the research emphasises are the proportions between the results considered normal and those contradictory, which may generate questions and answers about the competition strategy.

  • Issue Year: X/2018
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 20-27
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: English
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