Association Between Healthy Diet and Stress Coping Strategies Among Students Cover Image

Studentų sveikos mitybos bei streso įveikimo strategijų sąsajos
Association Between Healthy Diet and Stress Coping Strategies Among Students

Author(s): Nijolė Petkevičiūtė, Aidas Perminas
Subject(s): Psychology
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: streso įveikimas; sveika mityba; dieta; studentai; coping; healthy diet; nutrition; students

Summary/Abstract: Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti studentų sveikos mitybos bei streso įveikimo strategijų sąsajas. Tiriamieji – 232 Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto dieninių bakalauro studijų studentai, iš jų 57 vaikinai ir 175 merginos. Tiriamųjų amžius – nuo 18 iki 24 metų. Metodai. Streso įveikimo būdams įvertinti buvo naudojama C. S. Carver, M. F. Scheier, ir J. K. Weintraub (1989) streso įveikimo strategijų klausimynas (COPE). Remiantis sveikos mitybos rekemendacijomis maisto produktų vartojimui įvertinti buvo sudaryta maisto produktų vartojimo skalė. Tiriamieji turėjo pažymėti tam tikrų produktų vartojimo dažnį. Rezultatai, išvados. Nustatyta, kad sveikesnė merginų mityba susijusi su į problemą nukreiptu streso įveikimu. Tiek vaikinų, tiek merginų prastesnė mityba susijusi su mažiau adaptyviu streso įveikimu. Purpose. The aim of this study is to investigate the relations between healthy diet and stress coping strategies. Material and methods. 232 students (57 male and 175 female) of Vytautas Magnus University took part in the recent study. Based on wholesome nutrition recommendations a nutrition products‘ scale was composed. The respondents had to rate the frequency of the products‘ consumption. The COPE questionnaire (Carver, C.S., Scheier, M. F., ir Weintraub, J. K. (1989)) was used to measure 15 stress coping strategies. First five scales measure problem – focused coping strategies. These strategies are based on human‘s pursuit to solve the problem or change stress appearance reasons. The five scales are: Active coping, Planning, Suppression of competing activities, Restraint, Use of instrumental social support. The following six scales measure emotion – focused coping strategies, which are directed to management of emotions and reducing emotional strain which is caused due to felt stress: Use of emotional social support, Positive reinterpretation and growth, Acceptance, Religious coping, Denial, Humor. The questionnaire also includes scales which represent unadaptive, emotion – focused strategies: Focus on and venting of emotions, Behavioral disengagement, Mental disengagement ir Substance use. Three newly composed scales were also used in recent study to verify the relation between stress coping strategies and healthy diet. These scales were composed by summing stress coping strategies‘ scales (problem – focused coping, emotion – focused coping and unadaptive, emotion – focused coping scale). Results. There were only few statistically reliable relations between healthy diet and each of 15 stress coping strategies, though statistically significant association were found in generalized stress coping strategies and healthy diet‘s analysis. The study showed that female who noted better healthy diet habits were more oriented to problem solving stress strategies. Female and male who noted better healthy diet habits were less oriented to unadaptive stress management strategies then students who noted worse healthy diet habits.

  • Issue Year: 2008
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 71-84
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Lithuanian
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