Russian condolence telegram – towards a genre pattern Cover Image

Rosyjska depesza kondolencyjna – wzorzec gatunkowy
Russian condolence telegram – towards a genre pattern

Author(s): Ewa Białek
Subject(s): Studies of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: condolency telegram; diplomacy; genre pattern; text; press release

Summary/Abstract: The aim of the study is to characterise a genre pattern of a condolence telegram in Russian.A telegram is one of many genres of diplomatic correspondence, used to give condolences andexpress sympathy and support on the occasion of calamities and natural disasters. The senders andreceivers of telegrams are heads of state (official institutinal communication), as well as nationsof both countries and people afflicted with the disaster. The study conducted on a corpus of 150 texts(50 telegrams and 100 press releases) analyses the structure and lexico-pragmatic features of texts toestablish the most frequent pattern of telegram in the current textual corpus. The results of the studyshow that a condolence telegram is a highly conventionalized genre.

  • Issue Year: 2/2017
  • Issue No: XXII
  • Page Range: 51-63
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Polish
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