Socio-Economic Preconditions of Personnel Provision of Integrated Structures in the Agroindustrial Complex: Status and Prospects of Development in the International Context Cover Image

Соціально-економічні передумови кадрового забезпечення інтегрованих структур в АПК: стан та перспективи розвитку в міжнародному контексті
Socio-Economic Preconditions of Personnel Provision of Integrated Structures in the Agroindustrial Complex: Status and Prospects of Development in the International Context

Author(s): Sniganna Kovalenko, Ilona Tsarenko
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Agriculture, Economic policy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Кіровоградський національний технічний університет
Keywords: Staffing; integrated structure; agroholding; rural population; agro-industrial complex;

Summary/Abstract: The paper is defined the necessity of forming integrated structures for improving the competitiveness of agroindustrial complex as the main component of sustainable development of economy and its national security at current stage of economy's reforming. Personnel provision as one of the formative factor in the process of the formation of integrated structures in the agroindustrial complex is distinguished.The main socio-economic preconditions of personnel provision of integrated structures in general and in the agro-industrial complex, in particular, are considered. The shares of rural population and agricultural lands in terms of countries of the world, including Ukraine are analyzed. The status of staffing of rural areas of Ukraine, the based on basic demographic indicators is considered. The dynamics of indicators, which are characterizing the socio-economic preconditions of personnel provision of integrated structures in the agroindustrial complex of Ukraine, are analyzed. The complex of measures which could aim to solve the problems with personnel provision of integrated structures in the agroindustrial complex of Ukraine is presented.

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