Spirit Archetype in the Process of Feminine Development („The Maiden, Married to the Winged Dragon“) (Second Part) Cover Image

Архетипът на духа в процеса на женското развитие („Момата, омъжена за крилат змей“) (втора част)
Spirit Archetype in the Process of Feminine Development („The Maiden, Married to the Winged Dragon“) (Second Part)

Author(s): Krassimira Baytchinska
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Институт по философия и социология при БАН
Keywords: process of individuation; the Self; union of opposites; snake; wing Dragon; uroboros; mothers of the wind; Moon and the Sun; golden objects; spirit Mercurius

Summary/Abstract: The aim of this article is to describe the process of individuation in feminine development. It is done by outlining the symbolic suggestions of the Bulgarian fairy tale ‘The maiden, married to the winged Dragon’. This tale is a methaphoric story about psychological transformation of the earthly woman, who is condamned and blessed to search for her husband, the spirit. However the spirit in the tale is not the abstract and ghostly spirit of Christianity but the spirit Mercurius, highly valued by alchemists. Integration of this spirit archetype is based on realization of its volatile, spontanious, hermaphroditic nature – Mercurius can be both – material and spiritual, divine and human, wingless or winged dragon, one or many, masculine and feminine. Mercurius is spiritus rector in the process of individuation, the process through which the lower and the material is transformed into the higher and the spiritual and vice versa. As an unity of opposites Mercurius is not only a spiritus rector but also is an embodiment of the Self.

  • Issue Year: XVIII/2009
  • Issue No: 5
  • Page Range: 151-167
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Bulgarian
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