The art experience of a blind person Cover Image

Likovni umjetnički doživljaj slijepe osobe
The art experience of a blind person

Author(s): Dunja Pivac, Tina Runjić, Ante Bilić-Prcić
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Psychology, Visual Arts
Published by: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet
Keywords: blind person; visually impaired person; art experience; tactile perception; education;

Summary/Abstract: In the art educational process, we have met a blind student. That encouraged us to try to investigate how a blind person experiences a pictorial work of art. The framework of the research covered an examination of experiencing a pictorial work of art (its duration, intensity and individual art expression) for a congenitally blind person by applying an educational approach that was designed to enhance her experience of art work. The subject, the only blind student in the regular third grade gymnasium curriculum of visual art, participated in the research. The measuring tool consisted of five selected and adapted paintings of V. van Gogh, and changes in the time needed for tactile art experience were measured as well as art expression and tactile self assessment, in which the subject determined the intensity of experiencing the selected art work during multiple experiencing. The analysis of quantitative changes was carried out using the statistical method of individual differences. The results of the research have shown that the application of the abovementioned approach influenced the time of experience and art expression of the experienced work of art for the subject. The significance of previous experience was confirmed, based on knowing and recognising the content of the adapted tactile picture. Therefore, after multiple experiences, the time needed for the perception and art expression of experienced content became shorter. However, at the same time, the intensity of the selected works of art remained mainly unchanged. The remarkable intrinsic motivation of the subject was noticeable, leading to positive transfer towards the art educator. That certainly had a positive impact on the experience of pictorial works of art.

  • Issue Year: 53/2017
  • Issue No: Supp.
  • Page Range: 127-140
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: English
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