The improvement of the use of labour potential of enterprises of engineer Cover Image

Поліпшення використання трудового потенціалу підприємств машинобудування
The improvement of the use of labour potential of enterprises of engineer

Author(s): Tatiyana Nemchenko
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Кіровоградський національний технічний університет
Keywords: labor potential of the enterprise; estimation of the labor potential of the personnel of the enterprise; improvement of the use of the labor potential of the enterprise

Summary/Abstract: In the article is investigational theoretical going near determination of concept «Labour potential», the state of forming and use of labour potential of machine-building industry is analysed, the basic are certain his problem questions and the ways of their decision are offered.

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