Tumulus with a tomb near the village of Buzovgrad (preliminary note on the results from the 2012 investigations) Cover Image

Надгробна могила със зидана гробница при с. Бузовград (предварително съобщение за резултатите от проучванията през 2012 г.)
Tumulus with a tomb near the village of Buzovgrad (preliminary note on the results from the 2012 investigations)

Author(s): Georgi Nehrizov
Subject(s): Archaeology
Published by: Асоциация на българските археолози
Keywords: Тumulus; tomb; eschara; trizna; thracian burial practices; ceremonial activity;

Summary/Abstract: A rescue excavation of a tumulus near the of village Buzovgrad, Kazanlak district was carried out in 2012. In 2006, looters have come upon a tomb in this tumulus. The investigations have shown that tomb consists of a circular burial chamber with a vault, a rectangular pre-burial chamber and a roofless dromos. Both chambers are made of granite blocks, carefully shaped from the inside. Their floors were made of thick stone plates. The pre-burial chamber was entirely covered by white mortar, the same was valid for the first two rows of blocks in the burial chamber. In addition to the tomb, the terrain around the tumulus was also investigated. An eschara with elaborate decoration was discovered. The latter consisted of corded impressions into the wet clay. A smaller and less elabo-. elabo-A smaller and less elaborately decorated eschara was found under the first eschara. The escharas and the features around them are most probably connected to the commemorational practices performed in front of the entrance of the tomb. The trizna in front of the eastern wall of the dromos is probably also related to some burial or commemorational activities. The tomb was robbed in antiquity. Probably at that time its representative facade was destroyed, the doors were removed, together with the metal clamps and the floor blocks were taken away. The lack of finds that could have pointed to a more or less precise date prevents from determining the time of tomb’s construction and use. Similarities in its plan, construction particularities and style suggest that the tomb was built at the end of the 4th c. BC.

  • Issue Year: 3/2013
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 161-178
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Bulgarian
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