К проблеме культурного разрыва на рубеже сакского и усуньского периодов в Притяньшанье
On the Problem of Cultural Gap at the Turn of Saka and Wusun Periods in Tien-Shan Region
Author(s): Sergey S. IvanovSubject(s): History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Ancient World
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: Tien-Shan region; ancient nomads; Saka; Wusun; Yuezhi; funerary monuments; cultural gap
Summary/Abstract: In the mid. 2nd century BC some significant changes took place in the cultural development of Tian Shan region. These changes were connected with the new waves of the migration of nomads like Yuezhi and Wusun. As a result of these events the local Saka culture ceased to exist. It was considered for a long time that the migration of new nomadic groups did not lead to the great cultural changes in the region. But on the base of a detailed analysis of the funerary inventory of the burials of the Wusun, the author comes to the conclusion that they could be attributed to the end of Saka period. This allows us to review the cultural situation in Tian Shan region at the turn of the Saka and Wusun periods. As a result, the group of burials with unusual burial rites becomes more noticeable, it could be identified with the migrant population of Wusun and Yuezhi. Evidently, there is a substantial cultural gap that occurred due to the migration of new groups of nomadic population. However, a part of the local Saka population remained in this region and was culturally assimilated by the new people.
Journal: Stratum plus. Археология и культурная антропология
- Issue Year: 2016
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 67-86
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Russian