Geodiversity and geoheritage: New approach to the interpretation of the terms Cover Image

Геодиверзитет и геонаслеђе – нови приступ тумачењу појмова
Geodiversity and geoheritage: New approach to the interpretation of the terms

Author(s): Predrag Đurović, Ljiljana Gavrilović, Sava Simić
Subject(s): Museology & Heritage Studies, Environmental Geography
Published by: Српско географско друштво
Keywords: geodiversity; geoheritage; interpretation;

Summary/Abstract: Incomplete definitions of geodiversity and geoheritage caused the domination of clearly geological approach to these scientific problems. That is the reason why some of the integral elements of geographical environment were neglected. Wrong theoretical assumptions reflected negatively the determination and advancement of this scientific discipline. The reasons for such condition are mentioned in the paper, as well as the necessity of different and more comprehensive perspective of geodiversity and geoheritage, by which the directions of the future development are implied.

  • Issue Year: 90/2010
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 1-14
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: English, Serbian
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