On the Reflection of Anlaut Affricates in Volga-Bulgarian Loanwords of Mari Cover Image

К вопросу об отражении тюркских анлаутных аффрикат в волжско-булгарских заимствованиях марийского языка
On the Reflection of Anlaut Affricates in Volga-Bulgarian Loanwords of Mari

Author(s): Klára Agyagási
Subject(s): Finno-Ugrian studies
Published by: Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus
Keywords: Mari language; Volga Bulgarian of non-Chuvash type; West Old Turkic loanwords in Mari; Kazan Tatar mediation;

Summary/Abstract: The etymology of three Mari words (činče ’perl’, šaman < šam-an ’tasty’ and šü¸ar ’grave’) are reconsidered by the author. She argues for the Volga ­Bulgarian origin of all of them in the light of the new results of research on affricates in West Old Turkic varieties of the Oguric type (named formerly as Bulgar Turkic). In the case of činče ’pearl’ the donor Volga Bulgarian dialectal forms of non-Chuvash type can be reconstructed as *činčü ~ *čünčü ~ *činči and the ­borrowing can be interpreted as a direct one. In the other two words the Volga Bulgarian donor forms had an initial *ś (Volga Bulgarian *śam, *śükär) but its Mari equivalents with š refer to Kazan Tatar (in the Middle Kipchak period) as the intermediary language.

  • Issue Year: LIII/2017
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 256-266
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Russian
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