Contradiction between the law and the practice in case of convening a general meeting of the partners in the capital of a limited liability company Cover Image

Противоречия между закона и практиката при свикване на общото събрание на съдружниците в капитала на дружество с ограничена отговорност
Contradiction between the law and the practice in case of convening a general meeting of the partners in the capital of a limited liability company

Author(s): Vencyslav Savov
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
Published by: Институт за държавата и правото - Българска академия на науките
Keywords: powers of the general meeting of the partners (GMP); Limited liability company (LLC); Commerce act (CA); Civil procedure code (CPC); Supreme cassation court (SCC); Notaries and notarial practice act

Summary/Abstract: The report examines the contradictions between the norms of the CA and CPC in the procedure of convening of GMP in LLC and decisions of the SCC, which became an obligatory practice for the courts. The accent is put on procedure questions generating the contradictory practice. On base of the analysis the author makes recommendations on the application of the norm and proposals de lege ferenda for improvement of the legislation.

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