Aplicarea principiului non bis in idem în jurisprudenţa europeană şi naţională
The application of the non bis in idem principle in the European and national jurisprudence
Author(s): Victor ConstantinescuSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: C.H. Beck Publishing House - Romania
Keywords: the non bis in idem principle; the European Convention of Human Rights; the Schengen Agreement; the cumulation of the penal liability with the delictual or the disciplinary one;presumption of innocence;
Summary/Abstract: Being in a continuous search of an equilibrium between the two legal systems, when applying the non bis in idem principle, the courthouses tend to prefer, in good conscience, restoring the overlap between factual reality and legal reality, while sacrificing the right of the accused to enjoy the calm of the criminal proceedings. At other times, however, the right of society to obtain condemnation is sacrificed, keeping the defendant accused of sheltering the finalized criminal process. Maintaining this balance as well as the incidence of European and conventional law generates difficulties in the application of the non bis in idem principle.
Journal: Curierul judiciar
- Issue Year: 2012
- Issue No: 10
- Page Range: 638-643
- Page Count: 6
- Language: Romanian