The Changes in Natural Movement of Population in the City of East Sarajevo Cover Image

Промене у природном кретању становништва града Источно Сарајево
The Changes in Natural Movement of Population in the City of East Sarajevo

Author(s): Mariana Lukić-Tanović, Danijel Danilović
Subject(s): Demography and human biology
Published by: Матица српска
Keywords: the birth rate; mortality rate; natural increase; the city of East Sarajevo

Summary/Abstract: One of the main demographic problems of the Republic of Srpska is a negative natural increase which has been recorded from 2002 onwards. The same problem has been registered in the city of East Sarajevo, so this trend and changes in the natural movement of the population of the city will be observed in future work and research. The components of natural movement were observed for the period from 1997 to 2012 because the official statistical records refer to that period. The aim of this paper was to analyze the basic components of natural increase, the birth rate, mortality rate and natural increase in East Sarajevo, and to determine if there is homogeneity in this respect, i.e. whether all municipalities of the city have the same trend when natural movement of population is concerned. This paper will also show how local authorities and local communities deal with certain demographic problems. Does the City Council implements appropriate measures of population policy and can the city of East Sarajevo expect ’a brighter future’?

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 148
  • Page Range: 793-802
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: English
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