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Съвременни тенденции на събитийните комуникации
Modern trends in event communications

Author(s): Svetoslava Kovacheva
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: events; communication; trends; marketing and event communication

Summary/Abstract: Public relations technology has a rich, diverse and scalable toolkit to achieve the image, reputation, and marketing goals of organizations. And as richer is the set of techniques with which PR specialists handle or creatively add to the nomenclature of PRs, as higher would be the efficiency of the relations between the organization and its publics. The event is just one of the techniques of PR that was applied at the beginning of its emergence as a social technology. Today, events as communication techniques for applying communication programs have evolved to a whole new direction in PR, called event communications. Events for internal publics are part of public relations techniques to achieve a harmonious relationship with both the internal and the external audience. Without sustainable and balanced communications in their internal environment, no organization can rely on a successful communication policy with its external audiences. How have the tendencies of organizing events and their financial performance changed from the time of the birth of PR technology to today is the topic of the current work.

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