Ванбрачни фертилитет у Централној Србији иВојводини од почетка 90-их година XX века
Non-Marital Fertility in Central Serbia and Vojvodina since the Beggining of 1990s
Author(s): Petar VasićSubject(s): Human Geography, Regional Geography, Sociology, Demography and human biology
Published by: Географски факултет, Универзитет у Београду
Keywords: non-marital fertility;marital behavior;transition;reproductive behavior;mothers demographic characteristics;
Summary/Abstract: Non-marital fertility (as marital one too) could not be overviewed out of social environment, and also out of context of changes taking part in marital behavior, and because of that we have given an introduction in social and economic characteristics of environment in which changes of non-marital fertility took part. I this paper we have given quantitative analysis of empirical data considering non marital fertility, but above all consider demographic (and the others too) characteristics of mothers. This period (1990–2002) is taken for two reasons: its time closeness, and its specific social and economic circumstances. Author’s basic presumption is to show if non-marital fertility in Serbia still have significant socio-pathological characteristic, or is it more and more becoming matter of individual’s free choice.
Journal: Demografija
- Issue Year: 2007
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 37-54
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Serbian