Are international tourist cruises in Pan-European Corridor 7 through Serbia indeed considered as travels for 'silver hair' people? Cover Image

Да ли су међународна туристичка крстарења Пан - Европским коридором 7 кроз Србију заиста путовања људи трећег доби?
Are international tourist cruises in Pan-European Corridor 7 through Serbia indeed considered as travels for 'silver hair' people?

Author(s): Aleksandra S. Dragin, Branislav S. Đurđev, Tanja Armenski
Subject(s): Geography, Regional studies, Human Geography, Tourism
Published by: Српско географско друштво
Keywords: the cruising industry; Corridor 7; tourism; average age of cruisers; demographic transition; Serbia; Europe; River Danube

Summary/Abstract: During the last decade the cruise industry has been the tourism niche that has experienced the most rapid growth of all. However, this form of tourism is still in its infancy and has not been relatively well researched. The aim of the paper is to identify average age of cruisers on the Corridor 7. It remains unknown whether similar researches have ever been conducted. The article demonstrates the dominance of 'silver hair' cruisers on the Corridor 7. Furthermore, we found that the age groups 60-84 were the most represented in with the domination of age groups 70-74 and 65-69. The purpose of this study was to at least support a timely adaptation to trends in the cruising industry. The results of the research may initiate further studies on the cause and effect connections between this type of traveling and resources of receptive countries, upon which the travels are based, both aiming at adequate design and launching of the tourist offer, i.e. the optimal development of receptive countries through sustainable tourism.

  • Issue Year: 88/2008
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 29-38
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Serbian
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