The Qualification Criteria Concerning the Contract for the International Sale of Goods and the Question of the Applicable National Law Cover Image

Kriterijumi kvalifikacije ugovora o međunarodnoj prodaji robe i pitanje merodavnog prava
The Qualification Criteria Concerning the Contract for the International Sale of Goods and the Question of the Applicable National Law

Author(s): Slobodan Vukadinović, Katarina Jovičić
Subject(s): International Law, International relations/trade
Published by: Institut za uporedno pravo
Keywords: autonomy of the will; contract for the international sale of goods; legal effects of the contract; criteria and standards qualifications concerning international sale of goods;

Summary/Abstract: In this article we have been researching the contract for the international sale of goods i.e we have been examining the criteria and standards which are to qualify the international sale of goods. In the focus of the researches were subjective criteria of qualification which were considered regarding personal and territorial standards, and later objective and mixed i.e subjective-objective criteria which qualify the contract for the international sale of goods. The fact that a contract for the sale of goods has different legal effects in different legal systems has cleared the path in sense of conducting researches comparative law in national legislation, as well as rules contained in international sources i.e. in international conventions as means of unification which organize this most frequent legal affair regarding international trade. In this way, we have comparatively examined the sale system with property law effect and sale with obligation law effect. At the same time we have discussed both civil and collision law's aspects of the very important principle for this contract - autonomy of the will. In cases of dispute or by the will of the parties the specific national law will be applied to some questions regarding this contract with a foreign element, we have paid attention to applicable national law concerning contract for the international sale of goods, especially for its validity.

  • Issue Year: 2010
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 177-208
  • Page Count: 32
  • Language: Serbian
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