Dr Predrag Manojlović the winner of the "Jovan Cvijić" medal Cover Image

Др Предраг Манојловић добитник медаље "Јован Цвијић"
Dr Predrag Manojlović the winner of the "Jovan Cvijić" medal

Author(s): Slavoljub Dragićević, Vladan Ducić, Nenad Živković, Velimir Jovanović, Radenko Lazarević
Subject(s): Physical Geopgraphy, Historical Geography
Published by: Српско географско друштво

Summary/Abstract: Professor dr Predrag Manojlović was born on 24th of Аpril 1955, in Negotin. He graduatedin 1980 (average grade 9,76). In 1985 he defended his MSc thesis "The karst of Zamnariver basin". He finished his PhD studies in 1990. "Experimental research of the intensityof corrosion in the karst of the Eastern Serbia" was the title of his doctoral dissertation. Hestarted his professional career as assistant at the faculty in 1983. Since 2001 he has worked atthe University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, as a full professor.The main field of his research is geomorphology. At the beginning of his career he wasfocused on the study of fundamental geomorphology – karst erosion and paleogeomorphology.The most successful part of his scientific work took place in the period between 1989and 2000, when he was dedicated to the study of chemical erosion as a geomorphologicalprocess. He is one of the founders of the Laboratory for Physical Geography at the Faculty ofGeography. In the period 2001-2015 he was the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal"Bulletin" ("Glasnik"), published by the Serbian Geographical Society. He was the leader oftwo national scientific and research projects in the period between 2001 and 2005 ("Thegeographical basis of Serbia's development") and 2006 – 2010 ("The intensity of themechanical and chemical erosion and accumulation in Eastern Serbia"). In his career he haspublished more than 70 scientific papers in international and national journals. Heparticipated at many scientific conferences. He published three unHe published three university textbooks and tookpart in completion of three sheets of Speleological maps of Serbia.

  • Issue Year: 97/2017
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 1-18
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Serbian
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