Romanian Post-Caragialian Literature
Romanian Post-Caragialian Literature
Author(s): Loredana IlieSubject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Editura Alfa
Keywords: Caragialism; Post-Caragialism; perennial; re-creation; vitality
Summary/Abstract: The paper outlines the dimension and the configuration of the vast literary Caragialian lineage. This everlasting fluorescence of the Caragialian texts in the flux of our literature definitely proves I.L. Caragiale’s work’s undeniable vitality. In order to identify all Caragialian traces both diachronically and synchronically, i.e. to demonstrate that we could consider delimiting a distinctive Romanian literary trend, we have simultaneously applied more criteria to a large number of writers: the existence of certain ars poetica which can be seen as “patrilineal” documents confirming their authors’ adherence to the aesthetics of Caragialism, the act of re-creation and revaluation of typological, thematic or stylistic constituents of the Caragialian paradigm, the recognition and augmentation of elements of this paradigm, which anticipated literary currents of wide scope, such as the literature of the absurd and Postmodernism and, eventually, the remarkable effort to refine the Caragialian “hypotext” into Post-Caragialian “hypertexts” as homage paid to the great forerunner. Out of the combination of these criteria, there comes the conclusion that writers such as Al.O. Teodoreanu, Tudor Muşatescu, Al. Kiriţescu, Ion Băieşu, Mircea Eliade, Camil Petrescu, Liviu Rebreanu, Tudor Arghezi, I. Peltz, Gib.I. Mihăescu, Mircea Horia Simionescu, Urmuz, Eugen Ionescu can be affiliated to Post-Caragialism, not as epigones, but rather as worthy descendents with their own literary identity enriched by this original manner of assimilating our greatest playwright’s lesson.
Journal: Philologica Jassyensia
- Issue Year: VIII/2012
- Issue No: 2 (16)
- Page Range: 57-63
- Page Count: 7
- Language: English