Shaping Quality Of Production Processes In The Terms Of Global Logistics Cover Image

Kształtowanie jakości procesów produkcyjnych w warunkach logistyki globalnej
Shaping Quality Of Production Processes In The Terms Of Global Logistics

Author(s): Józef Frąś, Marcin Frąś, Tomasz Frąś
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Keywords: quality; shaping quality; production process; global logistics

Summary/Abstract: Purpose – Logistics in the XXI century is a great challenge to ensure the quality of productionprocesses, not only because of the increasing complexity, but mainly because of the necessity to find new,innovative solutions that will meet the expectations and requirements of each customer today. Therefore theaim of the work is to present the meaning and essence of quality shaping as well as creating instruments thatwill improve production processes of each modern company.Material and methods – The material is based on the literature. Method was used of analysis and logicalconstruction.Results – The study presented the importance and essence of the quality management and model of instrumentsto improve the quality of production processes in the terms of global logistics. In the theoretical partof the work considered about the importance and essence of quality in production processes, as well as thechallenges of global logistics to ensure high-quality production processes of the modern enterprise. In theanalytical and conceptual part was developed a model of instruments to improve the quality of productionprocesses, pointing to the importance of implementing a quality management system in the highly competitiveand global logistics. It was assumed resulting from the essence of a quality management system that theimplementation and effective functioning of the quality management system and its improvement by the implementationof appropriate (included in the developed model) instruments to improve production processescarried out in a long period of time will contribute to growth the competitive position by increasing the qualityof products the company at the global market.Conclusion – Quality Management Systems and its tools for the improvement in the production process in theconditions of global logistics is a effective tool for supervising the quality of products throughout technologicalline production process, which allows to reduce the internal shortcomings and complaints and growth thenumber of customer orders.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 85
  • Page Range: 249-266
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Polish
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