Testimony of Priest Matthias from Hájniky as a Source of Church History of Zvolen Cover Image

Svedectvo hájnického farára Mateja ako prameň k cirkevným dejinám Zvolena
Testimony of Priest Matthias from Hájniky as a Source of Church History of Zvolen

Author(s): Pavol Maliniak
Subject(s): History
Published by: VERBUM - vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Keywords: Slovakia; Zvolen; Parochial Property; Office of Archdeacon; Patron St. Nicholas; Memory

Summary/Abstract: In 1552, during argues for land’s fron¬tiers between town Zvolen and parsonage in village Hájniky, a town notary made out a memorable letter. According to this document priest Matthias from vil¬lage Hájniky declared at the court that townsmen in Zvolen gifted the disputed pieces of land to parsonage of St. Nicholas and this parsonage was moved from Zvolen to Hájniky. In the Middle Ages there were par-sonages sacrificed to St. Nicholas at both places, but the parsonage in Zvolen probably at the beginning of the Modern Times perished. Based on the published source we cannot exclude that in 1520’s or 1530’s some competences of the parsonage were formally re¬ally moved from Zvolen to Hájniky. The local priest had a function of vice-archdeacon and he stood in for archdeacon in the region of the Zvolen County.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 272-278
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Slovak
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