The role of Medium- sized Enterprises (MEs) in manufacturing: first results of a research in Hungary Cover Image

A középvállalatok szerepe a feldolgozóiparban: egy magyarországi kutatás első eredményei
The role of Medium- sized Enterprises (MEs) in manufacturing: first results of a research in Hungary

Author(s): Szilard Kovacs, Gabor Lux, Balázs Páger
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Geography, Regional studies
Published by: Központi Statisztikai Hivatal
Keywords: space; networks; spatial autocorrelation; regional analysis; regional policy

Summary/Abstract: Recent studies in entrepreneurship and regionalcompetitiveness reveal the increasing importance ofmedium-sized manufacturing enterprises (MEs),which represent an autonomous segment of theSME sector. Medium-sized enterprises often showstrong internationalisation and innovative activity,and they contribute significantly to thedevelopment of small and medium-sized cities.However, both developed and post-socialisteconomies find that the development of mediumsizedenterprises is a challenging task, facing severalobstacles. Both crowding-out effects by ForeignDirect Investment, and the inland weaknesses ofsmall enterprises can prevent the growth processeswhich lead to a strong ME sector.This paper presents the results of a statistical surveyon existing and emerging medium-sized enterprisesin Hungarian manufacturing. Using a full databaseof Hungarian enterprises between 2000 and 2013, itis found that the medium-sized enterprise segmenthas undergone shrinkage instead of expansion,although promising specialisation patterns are alsoapparent in selected regions, and even lesssuccessful regions have their competitiveenterprises. The restructuring of manufacturing inHungary has resulted in the combined presence ofstrong concentration and revealed comparativeadvantages in the case of four out of sevenNUTS 2 regions.

  • Issue Year: 57/2017
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 52-75
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: Hungarian
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