Further data on the sociogenesis of the Debrecen “Christian-national” sport clubs Cover Image

Jobbra át! Adalékok a „keresztény-nemzeti” sportegyesületek debreceni szociogeneziséhez
Further data on the sociogenesis of the Debrecen “Christian-national” sport clubs

Author(s): Péter Szegedi
Subject(s): History
Published by: KORALL Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület
Keywords: Hungary; social history; 20th century; sport; soccer; football; sport and politics; sport clubs and religions; anti-Semitism

Summary/Abstract: The aim of the study is to illustrate, through the activity of two sport clubs of Debrecen, how sports life was engaged in politics in the early 1920’s, and became the means of propaganda of the (extreme) right wing groups. It also shows the political links of the two clubs, personal interweaving of right wing organisations, and their irredentist and sometimes anti-Semitic activity. Author shows the clubs in the relations of city politics, local society and – as it is specific in Debrecen – the churches in the city. The political right wing was tied to Catholicism, and to the political and social emancipation of Roman Catholic faith in a predominantly Protestant city, and it can also be traced in sports life. The Debreceni Vasutas Sport Club (DVSC, Debrecen Railwayman Sport Club), established in 1902, was the local club of the Hungarian State Rail, which employed many Catholics and has a role in the 1919 Communist dictatorship, and after that the management wanted to lead the workers to the “Christian-national camp” with the help of the sport club. The Debreceni Egyetemi Atlétikai Club (Debrecen University Athletic Club), formed in 1919, had a characteristic anti-Semitic attitude, due to the revisionist ideas and the numerus clausus law, which was disadvantageous for the Jewry. The supporters of this club, also with Catholic background, committed the majority of violent attacks in the football-field, when the university soccer team played with a sport club of Jewry background of the city.

  • Issue Year: 2000
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 74-100
  • Page Count: 27
  • Language: Hungarian
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