Mythology of the Beautiful as a Mythology of the Identical Cover Image

Митологията на красивото като митология на идентичното
Mythology of the Beautiful as a Mythology of the Identical

Author(s): Silvia Borisova
Subject(s): Aesthetics, Marxism, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
Published by: Институт по философия и социология при БАН
Keywords: the beautiful; beauty; the identical; mythology of the beautiful; mythology of the identical; mythology of paradise lost; myth; myth-creative impulse; art form; symbol; thinking of the possible;

Summary/Abstract: The main aim of the article is to depict the mythology of the beautiful through the search for the human identical – beyond the relative mythologies (Losev), the identities of culture and the social roles that everyone plays alone while seeking a community, be it real or only in mente. For this purpose, the intersection points/items of the mythology of the beautiful and the mythology of the identical will be explicated: 1) in the myth-creating impulse of art as a striving to “capture what fleets away, not what remains” (Adorno), and to justify existence through some coherent whole, however contingent and unexpressible in discourse it might be; 2)in the common horizon, “the background”, of the idea of the fall and paradise lost (wholeness), which embraces mythology and art in the same way, as preservers of an inevitable theogonism in the activity of capturing the fleeting and the evanescent; 3) in thinking of the possible – the possible identical and consubstantiality: world, life, reality, personality – through myth, art form and symbol as forms of keeping and holding myth; 4) in the essential need for, and at the same time necessary entry of, otherness, in mythology and utopia, totality and beauty; 5) in the place and fate of the beautiful as an image pierced by otherness. In this sense, distinguishing mythology of the beautiful as a mythology of the identical opens up a possibility for entering into dialogue with the problem of the crisis of the identical, introduced by the dialectic of Enlightment, and particularly with negative aesthetics as a mythology of the loss of the beautiful.

  • Issue Year: XXVI/2017
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 83-97
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: English, Bulgarian
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