Privire comparativă a principiului non reformatio in peius în dreptul procesual civil și dreptul procesual penal
Comparative view of the principle of non reformatio in peius in civil procedure law and criminal procedure law
Author(s): Gabriela Răducan, Cătălin-George Iosif-UngureanuSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: C.H. Beck Publishing House - Romania
Keywords: non reformatio in peius;means of appeal;the principle of non-aggravating the dispute;judiciary control
Summary/Abstract: The article represents an interdisciplinary analysis of the principle of non reformation in peius. This principle equally operates in both civil and criminal trials, on all appeals, whether they are ordinary or extraordinary. At the same time, this principle is fully applicable for exercising of sui generis means of appeal (request for review, actions for annulment of the order of payment etc.).
Journal: Curierul judiciar
- Issue Year: 2015
- Issue No: 09
- Page Range: 500-505
- Page Count: 6
- Language: Romanian