What the Critique of he Political Economy can and can’t do? Marx’s Theory of Value and Its Use in Social Theory Cover Image

Čemu služi i čemu ne služi kritika političke ekonomije? Marksova teorija vrednosti i njena upotreba u društvenoj teoriji
What the Critique of he Political Economy can and can’t do? Marx’s Theory of Value and Its Use in Social Theory

Author(s): Aleksandar Stojanović
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
Keywords: Critique; politcal economy; value; subjective theory of value; objective theory of value; form of individuality

Summary/Abstract: In this text I will try to explain the theoretical specificity of critique of political economy. I will primarily found my arguments on the texts of Michael Heinrich and John Milios. To to this I will firstly scatch the theoretical context of economic theories that exited at the time of emergence of critique of political economy. Than, I will present main diferences in approach that we can find in Marx’s Capital with repsect to the concepts that are utilised and questions that he tries to answer. In the end I will present the directions of development of the crtique of political economy that are realted to this basic insight.

  • Issue Year: 25/2014
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 109-128
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Serbian
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