Philosophico-moral issues in the treaty "On Usury", by Fr. Martin Smiglecki SJ (1563–1618) Cover Image

Treści filozoficzno-moralne w traktacie "O Lichwie..." ks. Marcina Śmigleckiego SJ (1563–1618)
Philosophico-moral issues in the treaty "On Usury", by Fr. Martin Smiglecki SJ (1563–1618)

Author(s): Stanisław Pyszka
Subject(s): Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Social Philosophy
Published by: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: Marcin Śmiglecki SJ; kwestia chłopska w XVI i XVII w.; lichwa; niewolnictwo; działalność społeczna jezuitów

Summary/Abstract: On Usury, the treaty by Martin Śmiglecki SJ, was the first strictly scientific aempt to show the economic and social background of the bourgeois and peasant social stratum in Poland and Lithuania at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. The author, being an excellent logician, expressed his views in a very precise way, limiting his technical (philosophico-legal) language to a minimum, so that his treatise would be understandable to readers from a range of social positions and circumstances. Its careful analysis of the socio-economic situation and clear formulation of its postulates enabled it to function, over the course of two centuries, as a practical manual imparting guidance to the ruling class as they sought to maintain a just and fair stance in their dealings with the burghers and peasants. Śmiglecki’s ideas have become a reference point for many generations of professors of moral philosophy and folk preachers seeking to raise social issues in their own works.

  • Issue Year: 23/2017
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 150-174
  • Page Count: 25
  • Language: Polish
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