Pluralism and Participation: R. A. Dahl's Democratic Theory Cover Image

Pluralizam i participacija: demokratska teorija R. A. Dahla
Pluralism and Participation: R. A. Dahl's Democratic Theory

Author(s): Slaven Ravlić
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu

Summary/Abstract: The essay reconstructs Robert A. Dahl’s democratic theory as a combination of empirical research of democratic regimes and the theoretical reinterpretation of democratic tradition. The elements of this theory are analysed, the continuity and the phases in the evolution of Dahl’s concept of democracy are highlighted (pluralist theory, neo-pluralist approach, and the theory of democratic pluralism). The author concludes that a sort of dualism in Dahl’s theory of democracy is not only a consequence of his methodical approach, but also of the tension among the central tenets of liberal democracy, which Dahl critically elucidated and tried to reconcile ****************************** U radu se rekonstruira demokratska teorija Roberta A. Dahla kao spoj empirijskih istraživanja demokratskih režima i teorijske reinterpretacije demokratske tradicije. Analiziraju se elementi te teorije, pokazuje kontinuitet i uočavaju faze u razvoju Dahlova promišljanja demokracije (pluralistička teorija, neopluralistički pristup i teorija demokratskog pluralizma). Autor zaključuje da svojevrsni dualizam u Dahlovoj teoriji demokracije nije samo posljedica njegova metodičkog pristupa već proizlazi i iz napetosti između bitnih elemenata liberalne demokracije, što je Dahl kritički razlagao i nastojao pomiriti.

  • Issue Year: XXXVII/2000
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 84-95
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Croatian
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