An Anonymous Emblematic Work Based on Anton Wierix’s “Cor Iesu Amanti Sacrum” Cycle of Prints from the Second Half of 17th Century   Cover Image

Anonimowe dzieło emblematyczne na kanwie cyklu rycin „Cor Iesu amanti sacrum” Antona Wierixa z drugiej połowy XVII stulecia
An Anonymous Emblematic Work Based on Anton Wierix’s “Cor Iesu Amanti Sacrum” Cycle of Prints from the Second Half of 17th Century

Author(s): Radosław Grześkowiak
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Anton Wierix; Anton Wierix's "Cor Iesu amanti sacrum"; M. Mieleszko's "Emblems"

Summary/Abstract: Anton Wierix’s cycle of 18 copperplates entitled Cor Iesu amanti sacrum, up to recently unknown to literary historians, has inspired two lately issued poetic cycles from 17th century (see M. Mieleszko, "Emblematy [Emblems]", ed. by R. Grześkowiak, J. Niedźwiedź. Warszawa 2010). The article delivers pieces of information on a third such piece preserved in two editions written by the same hand and embellished with the same set of prints (copies of which are by Michael Snijders). The first edition is known from the manuscript of the Order of Saint Clare in Stary Sącz, while the second one from the Norbertines monastery of Imbramowice. The anonymous work devoid of its title is a meditative book for nuns. Each of its 16 chapters consists of a title, a print, a translation of its Latin inscription, a biblical quote, a longer poetic text placed below, and a meditation in prose. Apart from basic pieces of information about handwritten sources, the article offers a critical edition of foreword and two chapters (4 and 5) as a comparative analysis of the two editions.

  • Issue Year: 2013
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 217-230
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Polish
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