Impact of employee motivation on the limited liability company Cover Image

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Impact of employee motivation on the limited liability company

Author(s): Antanas Vaitiekus, Violeta Docienė, Jurgita Paužuolienė, Regina Bručkutė
Subject(s): Organizational Psychology, Methodology and research technology, Present Times (2010 - today)
Published by: Lietuvos verslo kolegija
Keywords: motivation; personnel; organization; impact; change;

Summary/Abstract: This article analyzes the impact of personnel motivation. Employee motivation is a multiplex phenomenon, that is why many theories to explain it are perpetrated. Employee motivation problem is analyzed for a long time. This phenomenon was investigated by management theorists such as F.Taylor, A.Maslow, F.Herzberg, A.Mayo, D.McGregogor, D.McCleland, W.Porter, E.E.Lawler, C.Alderfer and et al. Lithuanian scientists have done a lot of research on this topic. It is known that employee motivation to work has a large impact on their productivity and efficiency, so it is important to understand what motivates employees to achieve maximum results. It is emphasized that properly motivated personnel works better, feel happier and more meaningful. Employee motivation influences the behavior of employees, which is determined by higher performance in the company. It is not easy to increase the motivation of employees, because employees respond differently to the same situations, but it is very important. Motivated employees need less external control - they control themselves. Proper use of motivate system encourages employees to make productive use of their knowledge, skills and talents. Therefore, the main task of the organization - to create a motivating environment that encourages employees to strive for greater productivity. So analyzing this problem it’s answering on these questions: what motivates employees to achieve maximum results? When workers feel most motivated to achieve organizational goals? Can a good motivation system to keep employee stay in the organization? Employee motivation can be reinforced by the specially designed system. Therefore, the main task of the organization - to create a motivating environment that encourages employees to strive for greater productivity. So, by the analysis of this problem it’s a respond to such questions: what motivates employees to achieve maximum results? When workers feel most motivated to achieve organizational goals? Can a good motivation system make the employee to stay in the organization? The aim of this article was to analyze the impact of employee motivation on the limited liability company. Methods: literature analysis, synthesis, questionnaire, data processing SPSS 17.1 (Statistical Package called for the Social Sciences) program. Research methodology: The research was done in the limited liability company to determine the motivation impact on workers, and workers' approach to the material and moral motivation measures. The research involved 45 respondents, mostly administrative personnel. Such group of the respondents was selected because: administrative personnel, highly qualified employees currently represent the majority of company’s employees; the company currently does not carry out the massproduction and has the biggest workload lays on engineeringtechnical workers hardly preparing the introduction for new technological processes; motivation measures are usually more complex for administrative and highly qualified personnel; Research method - quantitative, research instrument - a questionnaire. The research was conducted in march 2012, in an individual interview. The research shows that most of the respondents are satisfied with the work and with the motivation system in the organization. For the most employees work - is the opportunity to express themselves. Respondents feel in the best way when they work in a position, which requires the greater responsibility. Most of the employees would change their job for the higher compensation, better working conditions. It should be noted that these are the universal demands. A systematic wages increase or better working conditions are relatively short-term motivators, because employees quickly gets used to the changes and start treating them as a matter of course. However, it should be emphasized that the motivation system should be flexible. Because if for a long period are the same motivation measures reasons the measures they lose that’s why motivation system must be evaluated periodically, and in due time it would be corrected. Applying the same motivation measures for the long period they lose their power, and therefore it should be evaluated periodically to review the system of motivation for corrections at the right time.

  • Issue Year: 20/2012
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 29-36
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Lithuanian
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