Moderator Role of National Culture in Relations Between the Dimensions of the Five-Factor Personality Model and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Cover Image

Moderatorska uloga nacionalne kulture u relacijama dimenzija ličnosti modela velikih pet i odgovornog organizacionog ponašanja
Moderator Role of National Culture in Relations Between the Dimensions of the Five-Factor Personality Model and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

Author(s): Biljana Mirković, Svetlana Čizmić
Subject(s): Social psychology and group interaction, Personality Psychology
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: organizational citizenship behaviour; Big Five; national culture

Summary/Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine the predictive contribution of the dimensions of the Five-factor personality model to the organizational citizenship behaviour of employees, and to test the moderator role of the national culture in relations between the dimensions of personality and organizational citizenship behaviour using the framework of the national cultures of the Republic of Srpska and Austria. The Big Five Inventory and the Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Questionnaire were applied on the sample consisting of 651 employees, of whom 332 were from the Republic of Srpska and 319 from Austria. Results of the hierarchical regression analyses indicated significant positive effects of pleasure, conscientiousness, and openness to the organizational citizenship behaviour of employees, whereby conscientiousness made the highest individual contribution to the organizational citizenship behaviour. The obtained results also showed that the national culture represented an important moderator between conscientiousness and organizational citizenship behaviour, and it proved that the positive effect of conscientiousness on organizational citizenship behaviour was stronger in the employees from Austria than in the employees from the Republic of Srpska. Finally, the obtained results show that the national culture has also an important direct effect on the organizational citizenship behaviour of employees, and that the employees from the Republic of Srpska are more prone to the organizational citizenship behaviour than the employees from Austria. The results have significant practical implications for the selection procedures in order to improve the organizational citizenship behaviour.

  • Issue Year: 10/2017
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 103-117
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Serbian
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