Bibliometric srtucture of bibliographies of “Prehistory of Yougoslav countries” and “Archaeological Lexicon of Bosnia and Herzegovina” Cover Image

Bibliometrijska srtuktura bibliografija “Praistorije jugoslovenskih zemalja “ i “Arheološkog leksikona Bosne i Hercegovine”
Bibliometric srtucture of bibliographies of “Prehistory of Yougoslav countries” and “Archaeological Lexicon of Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Author(s): Kemal Bakaršić
Subject(s): Archaeology
Published by: Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine

Summary/Abstract: The basic statistical parametars on rank frequency distribution of periodical titles and author’s proliferation in bibliographies of Prehistory of Yugoslav Countries with 2.934 references and Archaeological Lexicon of Bosnia and Herzegovina with 1.143 references are presented. (Table 1. shows the outline of the basic statistical parametars, and Table 2. Axhibits Rank frequency distribution of corpuses). Distribution was estimated within Bradford and Zipf law. Bradford distribution was made with (k = 3) succesive zones of productivity forming l:n:n (with 'n' = 5) ratio. In the corpuses of Prehistory of Yugoslav Countries results had confirmed Bradford law of scattering with less or equal number of referencies in core zone (–13 per cent to +1 per cent), whereas ALBH corpus have had incresed number of referencies than expected (+26 per cent), as a consequence of lower regional character of corpus. The results of Bradford’s scattering were confirmed wibgth Zipf’s law with (A = 1.19), and (B = 0.887) droop for ALBH corpus, while P5 have had (A = 0.85) and significant droop (B = 7.054). Combining the lists of core journals in each corpus of PYC and the number of its's appearances in corpuses as a whole, based on previous report (Bakaršić 1990b), 14 titles of periodical publications were found as most influental on the history of Yugoslav archaeology. This concentracion pattern presented in PYC shows that Yugoslav archeological periodicals (as autonomus reference area of possible reception) have had a nonspecific core zone of titles. In the current study an the same level of one half of referencies in corpus ALBH concentration pattern was significantly higher with only 3 titles in the core zone. This result is presumed to be the in corelation with the author's affinity towards a lesser number of periodical publications in the core zone if ALBH corpus of regional level. These author’s vs. journals characteristics were analysed as a twodimensional contingency table. The possibility of science citation indexes of national and regional lavel was discussed on the basis of results presented in this study.

  • Issue Year: 2005
  • Issue No: 46
  • Page Range: 211-224
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Bosnian
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