Рецепция на античността и романтичната историография на XIX век при Тодор Шишков и Гаврил Кръстевич
Reception of Antiquity and romantic historiography of the XIX century of Todor Shishkov and Gavril Krastevich
Author(s): Andriana SpasovaSubject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Ancient World, Translation Studies
Published by: Институт за литература - BAN
Keywords: reception of antiquity; romantic historiography; Bulgarian history textbooks of the XIX century; national identity; ancient historiographers; European Slavic studies; ethnogenesis
Summary/Abstract: The focus of the study is the place of the ancient writers in textbooks from the 70s of XIX century - "History of the Bulgarian People" (1873) by T. Shishkov and "History Bulgarian: T.1" (1871) by Gabriel Krastevich. Some of the most recognizable historians and geographers of antiquity (Herodotus, Tacitus, Polybius, Ptolemy, Eratosthenes, Strabo, Pliny, Ptolemy, etc.) are important authorities who contribute to the formation of a foreign historical narrative of national history. In Shishkov very rarely ancient names come with bibliographical references and are often indexed by the phrase "and antique X said ...". The case of Krastevichis the opposite, he has given the detailed notes and quotes. The paper analyses the problem of ethnogenesis and the ancient roots of the national identity in Bulgarian history textbooks of the XIX century. Establishment of national stereotypes passes through a historiographical mythical poetic narrative combining the scientific pretensions and national romanticism. The role of ancient cultural heritage can be read in its role of a common European cultural code beyond projects of national ideology.
Journal: Литературна мисъл
- Issue Year: LX/2017
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 27-58
- Page Count: 32
- Language: Bulgarian