Boundaries of Possible Solutions of Management Problems Caused by Cultural Interaction Cover Image

Boundaries of Possible Solutions of Management Problems Caused by Cultural Interaction
Boundaries of Possible Solutions of Management Problems Caused by Cultural Interaction

Author(s): Leonas Žitkus, Algis Junevičius
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Kauno Technologijos Universitetas
Keywords: interaction of cultures; international company; diversity of equilibrium; domination co-existance; cooperation.

Summary/Abstract: The phenomena of globalization and regional inte-gration lead to virtually new conditions for the activity of the companies where they confront with such difficulties as the boost of competitiveness or the necessity for the products as well as the activity itself to be adapted to legal and technical requirements of other countries. Alongside with these problems there occur additional difficulties related to the fact that the companies operat-ing in international environment face cultural differences of other countries. The problems tackled in scientific lit-erature may be divided into two large groups: 1) how the multicultural character of business environment affects different areas of activity, actions and decisions of man-agement and 2) how the company develops when the in-terests of people belonging to two or more cultural groups are confronted. Presently, the dominating point of view that together with direct foreign investment the management style typi-cal to that country’s culture also emerges, is not abso-lutely true. The management style is not the thing to be implemented in the same way as new technology. De-pending on the conditions and circumstances, different combinations of instruments and methods of management as well as organizational culture of the international company and its individual branches are possible. The aim of this paper is to analyze these aspects. The analysis provided in the article leads to the con-clusion that in the period of cultural interaction, certain “intercultural” equilibrium in the international company is formed. It can acquire different proportions, depending on the willingness of the “coming” culture to impose its management methods and instruments and the “receiv-ing” culture’s ability to absorb them. Scientific literature contains three possible versions: domination of one cul-ture, coexistence of cultures and cooperation of cultures. It is found that “coming” culture is dominating in fa-vor of “receiving” culture when the latter is reputed as totally unacceptable (hinders to reach company’s aims). In practice such cases happened at the time of transfor-mation of planned economy countries, when organiza-tional cultures, managing methods and instruments of old type were absolutely inadequate for market economy conditions.

  • Issue Year: 2007
  • Issue No: 1 (51)
  • Page Range: 44-49
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: English
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