Un fragment al unei tipărituri româneşti din secolul al XVI-lea în colecţiile Muzeului Naţional al Unirii din Alba Iulia.
A fragment of a XVIth century Romanian printing in the collections of the National Museum of Union Alba Iulia
Author(s): Florin BogdanSubject(s): History
Published by: Muzeul National al Unirii Alba Iulia
Keywords: Coresi; Sebes; Transylvania; old Romanian book; Sbornic
Summary/Abstract: Many times, identification of some fragments of old books in public libraries or museums brings important contributions to reference bibliographies and to knowledge of existent holdings. This study deals with identification of two leaves from Sbornic slavon printed by Coresi, in Sebes, in 1580 – which are in the collections of the National Museum of Unification Alba Iulia -, a unique presence on the territory of Alba County and an extremely rare item as for old Romanian book is concerned.
Journal: Apulum
- Issue Year: 53/2016
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 1-9
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Romanian